About Us
Goal: Frogspan Investments was begun with several important goals in mind. Namely:
- Reduce housing costs for Zambians through innovative and new technologies
- Create employment opportunities, especially for younger Zambians
- Create export opportunities for Zambia to bring in much needed foreign reserves.
Currently Zambia is an import economy, and although importing foreign products will be always necessary in a global economy, Zambia must increase exports in order to reduce the pressure of depreciation on the Kwacha, and to reduce unemployment through increased wealth.
Further, inflation must be reduced to provide stability to the country. Inflation is controlled by creating production of vital products at reduced cost and by increasing the value of the currency.
Currently, Zambia exports mostly raw materials and imports finished products. Thus, manufacturing and export of Zambian made products needs to increase to balance trade and increase wealth.
Zambia is faced with high levels of unemployment and low GDP as a result. It is imperative that manufacturing is increased.
Frogspan Investments will be concentrated on importing mostly raw materials and exporting finished products in the construction industry and other trades.
Frogspan will be training Zambian citizens in modern technology and in manufacturing processes and work processes to increase manufacturing exports and bring in foreign currency vital to the needs of the country.
Frogspan intends to become a uniquely Zambian company whose mission statement is to bring wealth to Zambia through diverse manufacturing, training of Zambian youth, and importing mostly raw materials and exporting finished products and technologies.